Episode 37: Designing for the 90% with Kenny Seeton (CSU Dominguez Hills)

Kenny Seeton, Central Plant Manager/Energy Manager at California State University, Dominguez Hills

Kenny Seeton, Central Plant Manager/Energy Manager at California State University, Dominguez Hills

Kenny Seeton

Central Plant Manager/Energy Manager at California State University, Dominguez Hills

Host: Dave Karlsgodt
Director of Management Advisory Services, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

In this episode, we talk with Kenny Seeton, central plant and energy manager at California State University Dominguez Hills. The wide-ranging conversation spans everything from LED retrofits to solar powered golf carts. Kenny talks about how to safely take risks and how to connect systems seeking continuous improvement. He offers up sound advice for energy managers on metering, sensors, occupancy controls, valves, dampers, trend analysis and even phase change materials. This engaging episode is perfect for anyone looking for creative energy solutions for their campus, whether this is your first introduction to energy management or, like Dave and Kenny, you geek out over topics energy efficiency, storage, and more.

Designing for the 90% with Kenny Seeton (CSU Dominguez Hills)
Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast


Production Team:

Episode Transcript:

The following is an automated transcription of this episode which will include errors and omissions. You can listen and follow along with the text here: Otter Transcript

You can find a text-only version of the transcript here: Episode 37 Transcript