Episode 38: The Political Economy of Higher Ed with Dr. Katrina Kelly-Pitou

Dr. Katrina Kelly-Pitou

Dr. Katrina Kelly-Pitou

Dr. Katrina Kelly-Pitou
Energy Systems Strategist -

Host: Dave Karlsgodt
Director of Management Advisory Services, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

In this episode, we talk with with Dr. Katrina Kelly-Pitou, Energy Systems Strategist at SmithGroup. The discussion focuses on what higher education can expect from federal, state and local governments in the near term, but also a broader discussion about the politics and business model of higher ed. itself.  She both challenges conventional ideas and paints a compelling vision for a sustainable future for higher education and the communities in which they operate.

The Political Economy of Higher Ed with Katrina Kelly-Pitou
Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast


Production Team:

Episode Transcript:

The following is an automated transcription of this episode which will include errors and omissions. You can listen and follow along with the text here: Otter Transcript 

You can find a text-only version of the transcript here: Episode 38 Transcript