Episode 19: Sustainable Investing and Divestment

Claire Veuthey (left), Mike Fiorio (right)

Claire Veuthey (left), Mike Fiorio (right)

Claire Veuthey
Director of ESG & Impact

Mike Fiorio
Northland College Board of Trustees

Host: Dave Karlsgodt
Principal, Fovea, LLC

Production Assistant: Kaia Findlay

Remember the old adage, Put your money where your mouth is? Or maybe, vote with your wallet? No matter which way you say it, money talks. In this episode, Claire Veuthey of OpenInvest and Mike Fiorio of Northland College’s Board of Trustees discuss sustainable investments and how to make financial choices that reflect planet-forward values. Claire, the director of ESG & Impact at OpenInvest, a startup devoted to socially responsible investing, walks through the management of funds and investments and how they can become more sustainable. Mike discusses how Northland’s Board of Trustees reached their decision to divest from fossil fuels, and the importance of listening to student voices in balance with the university’s financial interests.

Episode 19: Sustainable Investing and Divestment
Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast


Episode Transcript:

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Episode 19: Sustainable Investing and Divestment